
Category Archives: Kickstarter

The very first version of the final application has been released!

Don’t miss downloading the app and trying the game with it! A whole new level of gaming experience is guaranteed:   Keep in mind that our Kickstarter features are constantly being developed, and they will be gradually incorporated into the app. The backer card feature is not yet available for this release, but we will […]

Exciting News!

Llamasters thank you

We are thrilled to share that our Kickstarter Campaign was a huge success. Llamasters was funded in only 48 hours! We even reached one of our stretch goals! Feel free to check out rest of our stretch goals on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/llamasters/llamasters-the-card-game-with-augmented-reality Right now we have moved to the production phase of our project. Llamaster card […]